Yo.Whats good man
yoooo, nothing much listening to music,you? and who am i speaking to?
Listening to some music. Its Frank, CJ said you wanted to talk to us.sweet sweet, yeah dude i wanted to try to interview you guys if thats cool?
Hahaha, that's fucking random.Ya about whathaha i know
just about the band and shit, ask you a couple questions
Go for it manyou want to do it on this?or on aim? whichever one is easier for you
I don't have aim anymore.This is good.alright ill give you a couple questions at a time then.
when did this band come together?
why did you guys decide to start this band?
and what are your major influences
Originally it was Me,Hector(guitarist),Gabriel(Some weird ass guitarist),and Isiah(Drummer)Gabriel and Isiah bailed. Gab decided to become a christian rapper haha and Isiah i don't know.We started this "band" in Nov. It didn't go no where.We got CJ in Feb, and Rikk the drummer like a month ago.David is our newest bass player we got him like 3 weeks ago.Our influences are Offtrack, Bottomfeeder, Amongst wolves, moon skull or suedehead bad mouth just some awesome hardcore bands that play local showshaha skribbal, is he in that cyclone b?
sick sick
where are you trying to go with breakthrough?
what do your songs mean to you?
what sound are you guys trying to go for?
Ya man! Hahaha he was originally in BreakThrough! then he confessed saying this isn't me man im a christian I cant be playing this type of music, then he goes and makes Cyclone B.Its not him though, they just took over the name. All the band members are them weird "demon katz" kids at arroyo.BreakThrough! was to pass time, but its actually a lot of fun. Practice is chill we fuck around and play music,.Invite people over, eat, play.Are songs is shit we think about. Insane Asylum is to our good friend skitz whos in the mental hospital right now. He got a chick pregnant so we got another song going out to him soon.Sounds were going for? Ahh, I dont even know. Whatever comes out if we like it we add it. We have so many unused rhythes and lyrics and we just throw em together and see how it comes out. We need a lot of improvement though.haha thats crazy,its not my style of music but damn their recordings sounded good hahaha demon katz
sick sick, thats the same reason i wanted to start a band was to have fun and to hopefully tour cause i lvoe roadtrips haha
hahaha damn thats some crazy stuff, nice nice
so you guys just released your demo awhile ago, how was that?
how was the recording process?
what are your guys favorites hardcore bands?
Dude thats not even them hahaha.There all new to the band, so they pretty much just took over the name.I said we were going to change out name to Cyclone A and "skribbal" blew it and started acting like a dick to me so ya.Why is Bottomfeeder done> Are you in any other band?Thats when we barley got a drummer, he sped up all our songs.I didnt know the recording process was all instruments seperatly, so that was kinda hard for us. Especially with new members. Uh I was sick and had a fever, but we had a date set up so we had to follow through with it. My voice went out so I couldnt redo the songs and it sounds like I was just yelling. I didnt like that, it didnt come out distorted ya know.It was at a house, the guy was a stoner and kept us in this room and was smokin pot and cigs directly into a fan which blew at us. We broke 80$ headphones thats what he said hes a bullshitter so we gotta give him 50 to get out final cd. then we already payed him 60 for recording us. Were breakthrough! cause we cant stop breaking shit. Thats not why we planned the name but it goes well with us. Ive broken like 5 mics some wires they broke two amps dropped the guitars drummer has a hole in is bass and the crash and shit is cracking and the bassest stepped on 80$ headphones, so it suites us pretty well.i like trashtalk cause i got to chill with them at the bamboozle and they tore shit up. I got lees number and hes cool with my brother. My brother works for Monster sometimes.I like all the local bands too. CJ is on bottomfeeders sack. He will probably dome you up if you ask.so those recordings are old?haha lame
nah were not done,ricky and johnny didnt have time cause of work and school so they "ended" the band without thinking of just taking a break, so the other day we talked about it and were gonna come out with a new demo soon=) but nobody knows yet haha
oh lame, yeah i wasnt a big fan of the drumming
so it was just in a room?not a studio?was he like legit though?
hahaha damn thats alot of broken shit
siiiiiiiiick trashtalk rule,hahahahahahha
so you guys have any upcoming shows?
plans for touring?
any releases/demos?
and any shout outs?haha since this is the end of the interview i guess
Thats what the guitarist told me, he said they havent even recorded.Ya the guy is legit, but were going with TrailerTrash Studios next time we record. Its my sisters friend.Eeeee, dont let CJ read this hes going to get all wet.Thats pretty dope though! Are you guys going to post up your two songs you had up before or redo them?Man the drummer doesnt pay attention to us. He was off.Hes willing to learn and practcie hard though so its alright I guess. I dont like how him and CJ are like breakthrough! breakthrough! breakthrough! we had the rough demo we were just giving them to friends and here comes cj with like 50 hahaha handing them out to everyone ahh! then the drummer got his hands on them and made a bunch too. CJ is going to make shirts soon but I want to play a show first. First show is May 9th!Its in El Monte. You guys can play if you want. Were asking bands right now. Its for some guys birthday.We have a bunch of songs.Maybe we will record when we perfect them.Our demo was just to throw out there cause people were bitching about us recording. I wasnt totally satisfied with it, but eh.Shout out to the returing of bottomfeeder!ohh thats where offtrack recorded before,how much are you guys gonna pay?
nah, cause those were from are first demowhere we recorded in a garage, then we redid them for our 5 song demo, so we just put up the 3 "newer" songs
haha damn, we didnt make demos at all,we were too lazy, but thats cool, getting your band out there.whats going to be on the shirt?
niiiice, who else is playing?we would but i got told today were playing a show the same day with OT and i think AW and some others.
yeah thats good to do, dont rush it, we seriously made and got rid of like 4 songs before we recorded, the only songs we still play from our first 2 shows are lost and solipsism.
$15 an hour, is he legit? Is it an actual studio?They guy we went to just woke up and hes the one that set the time and everything.Beer cans everywhere, then he tried fixing up the drums and it sounded all technoish and our drummer is a pushover so the guys like yo like it and our drummers like yah man yah haha were like wtf nooo! then we told him OT jumped CJ cause he was black haha and he believed it.Probably the default photo we have.Or a smurf that says breakthrough then on the bottom monte moshAh seriously?I dont know what bands to ask.I wanted the best of the best.Canabalistic creature was made like 4 days before we r3ecorded so its all fucked up.I regret recording it soo soon but eh.Well if you guys dont end up playing hit us up ASAP so we can have you play.:Doh nice, yeah i guess, he has a trailer and thats his studio hence the "trailertrash"name haha
damn that sucks,hahahahah!
nice, where are you guys getting them done?
haha sorry man
oh lame, are you guys going to rerecord it?
haha alright we will
Hahahaha niceeee! :DAll that is on CJ.I dont know when and where hes going to do it.Its pretty cheap though 12 shirts for 40 or something like that.If we change the day are you guys down to play?I dont really wanna play with some bands I never heard of.Thats no fun, and i promised the guy the finest local hc bands out there!:Doh that is pretty cheap
hmm im not sure, id have to ask the guys haha
Alright, well let me know what happends.And if you guys are playing a show the 9.Im gettin off.See ya man.Thanks! alright i will, thanks for letting me interview you, peace!